⚡Lightning Escrow Demo at Jan 6th - Thursday ABC Symposium

Pleb Symposium V: Lightning Escrow team presentation with Kyle Murphy

January 6th, 2022 is going to be a cannot miss event. The Lightning Escrow team will be our guest at Thursday's Pleb Symposium to talk with Kyle. Catch up on who they are here.
Super Testnet's, Lightning Escrow plans to present their first of its kind product launch at the Austin Bitcoin Club on Thursday, January 6, 2022. The Lightning Escrow team will showcase a live demo to everyone in attendance at the event.
Make sure to sign up.
Update 2: We are now on the 1st Floor

Thats right we have moved to a much larger area for our first event of the year. Will have even moar beer this time around as well. Plebs love talking bitcoin with some cold beers and will bring less 😂 kombucha. Of course we never charge for anything. It is all paid for by the Plebs in the club.

Gus's chicken is still on the menu cause Kyle is obsessed at this point lol. If you come early enough we might still have some left. I miss the days when we had left overs...those sandwich, water days oh wait, yikes nm lol.
Just a reminder...on how to find us. ⤵️
701 Brazos St, Austin, TX 78701
Make sure to take a look at there parking page they do a really great job in explaining where to park. It really is necessary in understanding where to go especially if you are not familiar with downtown Austin. But pretty much anywhere around downtown its 3 bucks an hour. https://www.capitalfactory.com/parking/
It still is BYOB but leave the bottles at home...mmkay.
#KeepAustinPleb ✊